
Uterine Fibroids

Obstetrician & Gynecologist located in Lawrenceville, GA

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Uterine Fibroids

Obstetrician & Gynecologist in Lawrenceville, GA

Uterine fibroids are quite common, affecting a large percentage of women of reproductive age. Patients often aren’t aware they have fibroids because they typically don’t cause any symptoms. At Lovely OBGYN in Lawrenceville, Georgia, Emerald Lovely, MD, and her team can help if you experience any issues due to symptomatic or large fibroids. If you have symptoms that suggest uterine fibroids or have been diagnosed and need a second opinion about management. Call the office to schedule an appointment or request one online today.

Uterine Fibroids Q&A

What are uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids are benign or noncancerous muscular growths that form on the uterus wall. You might also hear them referred to as leiomyomas or myomas.

Patients with these growths don’t always know they have them. Uterine fibroids vary in number and size but affect anywhere from 20-80% of women by the time they reach age 50.

What is the difference between uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts?

Uterine fibroids develop in the uterus, whereas ovarian cysts are specific to the ovaries. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs outside the ovary, while fibroids are noncancerous masses that can form inside or outside the uterine wall.

What symptoms suggest I have fibroids?

Fibroids don’t always cause symptoms, so the number of women affected is variable. They may be detected during a routine pelvic exam.

You might experience symptoms associated with uterine fibroids, like:

  • Heavy menstrual flow or heavy bleeding
  • Pressure on the bladder or bowel
  • Enlarged abdomen

Symptomatic fibroids sometimes require diagnostic testing, such as an ultrasound or MRI, to determine the exact location, size, and number of growths.

The Lovely OBGYN team might recommend tests if you have asymptomatic fibroids to establish a baseline and evaluate growth over time.

What are my treatment options for uterine fibroids?

Treatment for uterine fibroids depends on your symptoms. Suppose you have fibroids that are not causing symptoms. The team might recommend you have regular monitoring during routine visits.

If fibroids are causing you uncomfortable symptoms, you might benefit from treatments like:

  • Low-dose birth control
  • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (help shrink the growth)
  • Surgery to remove the fibroid (myomectomy)

The most common reason women have a hysterectomy is due to uterine fibroids. If you plan to have children, the Lovely OBGYN team can recommend a myomectomy to remove the growth without affecting your ability to have children.

Even if you do manage uterine fibroids or have them removed, new ones can emerge and grow.

What can I expect during the removal of uterine fibroids?

For smaller uterine fibroids, the team might be able to perform myomectomy using a hysteroscopy. Your doctor uses a unique telescope-like tool they insert into your uterus to generate a real-time image. They then use special surgical instruments to remove the fibroid.

You are under sedation and anesthesia for the procedure. You can expect it to take a few days to recover.

If you need more information about uterine fibroids management or treatment, call Lovely OBGYN or schedule an appointment online at your earliest convenience.